Foster an authentic space safe enough for inner work, healing and growth so that every individual may express themselves creatively.
“Love heals. - We go forward with the fresh insight that the past can no longer hurt us. Mindful remembering lets us put the broken bits and pieces of our hearts together again. That is the way healing begins.
— Bell Hooks”
Art Therapy
Art therapy began in the early 1940’s as a way to process inner and sometimes subconscious thoughts and emotions in a therapeutic space using creative expression. While traditional talk therapy requires immediate access to cognitive thought, art therapy provides an opportunity for an alternate route to otherwise inaccessible trauma and underlying issues. Art allows the invisible to become visible. Previous art experience is not required. Simply bring your authentic self and trust the process.
Environmental Expressive Therapies
Environmental Expressive Therapies (or Ecopsychology) “can be seen as a worldview and diverse social movement that recognizes a synergy between human mental health and well-being and the health and ecological integrity of the natural environment.” (Kopytin & Rugh, 2017). I believe that nature plays a significant role in one’s mental health, and aim to incorporate our natural world into the therapeutic space.
Kopytin, A., & Rugh, M. (Eds.). (2017). Environmental Expressive Therapies. New York, NY: Routledge.