Expressive arts therapy, specializing in helping
parents and mini essences (0-5) heal, play, and grow.
I obtained my Master of Professional Studies in Art Therapy and Creativity Development from Pratt Institute. I have a particular interest in attachment theory, love, and how our evolutionary pasts contribute to relationships. I believe in a holistic approach to therapy and finding what works for the individual. Last year I came across a quote that read, “The creative adult is the child who has survived.” I am that child who has survived, and my dream is to pass on my experience, strength and hope to any soul in need. I want to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish, Stillaguamish, Duwamish, Muckleshoot, and Suquamish.
Photo above by rising 3 year olds
Find out more about Heart Healing, my approach, and mission.
Therapeutic resources on mental health, art therapy, love addiction, codependency, and environmental expressive therapies.