2 minute video to promote The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
My role? Concept development, storyboard provided to yU+co, collaborated with a designer (Max Churchill) and CD/AD (Lianne Onart). Writer: Leah Idler
Production company: yU+co
Double page spreads in The Economist. It was an honor to work on such a fantastic cause. Getting a personalized thank you letter from the former President wasn't so bad either. ;)
BECU was a proud sponsor of The Stranger's Genius Awards. Instead of a booth, we decided to do something a little more interesting and interactive. A digital art canvas.
Silver Addy Interactive Multimedia
Photographer: Dan Root
Hacker Group was asked to present re-design options for the monthly e-newsletter.
I worked with a writer and UX designer to concept ideas and then led a team of four designers (Carolyn Kach, Cole Meier, Lindsee Pacini and Patrick Halferty) to come up with a solution for a new, shorter email along with a microsite for an easier and more engaging experience. Designers were provided sketches by myself and my partner.
Some extra campaign ideas that were pitched to clients. They loved the ideas but didn't have the budget or weren't ready to pull the trigger.
Photographer: Jose Mandojana
Print campaign for NWJobs.com
Photographer: CJ Burton