trampoline.JPG | 206-651-0705

Click here to see my resume Click here to see what makes me tick

I graduated from VCU Brandcenter in 2005, can still do a one-armed cartwheel (I think) and believe Seinfeld is the best show ever made. I'd love to work on creating movements and solve client problems with driven, extraordinary, smart, fun and genuine people. 

What do I believe in?

A great idea can and should come from anywhere

Respect. Each other, the work, the client, the consumer, ourselves

Immersing in culture and my target which means getting out of the office and being amongst other non-advertising humans

Working late because I’m passionate about the project-not just "to work late"

Creating products and ideas worth advertising

My craft

An idea that comes out of a solid strategy

Being involved in a project from the beginning-research, strategy, media

Advertising and egos don’t mix-actually, egos don’t mix well with anything

A sense of humor

The truth

I'm not a creative, I'm a problem solver. I just aim to solve problems creatively.

What do you believe in?

Challenging and inspiring people

Fostering and encouraging growth

Movements vs ads

The power of content marketing

Celebrating individualism

The quest for the best solution

Mentorship/open communication

We’re all equal and we're all on the same team

Active participant in the community

Walking the walk-not just talking the talk

Being the place people are talking about when they say, “Man, I wish we did that.”